Congressional staff say the mood inside the Capitol is tense, stifling and bewildering as members brush off their constituents’ outrage.
Congressional staff say the mood inside the Capitol is tense, stifling and bewildering as members brush off their constituents’ outrage.
Direct voting is the future.
Agreed. Elected officials need to be reduced to figureheads who craft legislation and whose voting power on legislation is removed and given to the people.
When legislation is introduced, it should be in a Wiki format and with logins tied to your voter registration so only registered voters can comment and edit the Wiki.
All final edits will be attributable directly to who wrote them and version control would be the standard for the documents.
The final text and vote should be with individual voters here in the 21st century.
A guy can dream.
Jesus that would be scary, I know here in the left echochambers it feels like we’re the only people that exist but the reality is there’s millions of people who have strong opinions about wacky things and they’re incredibly easy to manipulate through a few social media posts.
Look at how many people know basically nothing about this situation but are completely sure it’s a very simple matter - A dozen bad memes and we’d be at war with Cony 2012 or banning funding NASA or some bullshit.