Class traitor?
For upholding the rules equally?
I don’t like rich people, but glorifying murder is still glorifying murder.
Fuck off.
Class traitor?
For upholding the rules equally?
I don’t like rich people, but glorifying murder is still glorifying murder.
Fuck off.
Do mean when we removed things that advocated violence? Do you honestly think it’s related to the persons job/wealth? We do that for any instances of people advocating violence that we see or are reported. All those were reported, numerous times.
Ah, so because I don’t mind steam, I’m a shill?
You got nothing better to do than follow me around? If not, have fun.
Last post was locked due to a ton of people advocating violence.
Let’s not repeat that, please.
Generally, no.
Valve just isn’t my enemy.
We have a ton of the free games. They give away a bunch to get you to use them.
Never paid for one from them, though.
If your enemy is going to help you beat them, let them.
Bad example.
They aren’t asking them for the sake of Medicaid.
This is any person, even single-payer patients (ones paying for themselves), because a state law tying a facility receiving federal funding to a requirement to ask nationality.
Please, read the article next time.
Sorry for the confusion. I was referencing this comment:
Your fanclub doesn’t represent a significant demographic
Most every group that’s not Republican or Democrat is in that boat. Not enough people to even get recognized. Very seldom do we see others even get a seat at the table.
We can say the same about Stein.
This comment was reported.
Instead of taking any actions, I’ll just ask this:
If the people committing the crime are great at controlling the media, it didn’t happen?
(don’t look at my name)
Care to explain that? Are you actually quoting someone, or is it meant as read? Are you calling trans people perverts?
That’s how I learned PHP in a week with no Internet or reference books. Had a couple open source projects on a thumb drive, an a strong urge to eat sometime that month. Reverse engineered one project into a movie rental system, and sold it to a gas station for $500.
God, that code was awful
I’m surprised that you seem to not realize that you helped bring Trump back in power. This was the plan, wasn’t it? Jill Stein had no chance at gaining the office, but you rallied against Harris nonetheless.
Those .3-.5% in key states could have stopped Trump, and solidified under a banner that isn’t anti-LGBTQ+.
The Green party essentially is under Trump.
Report directly to the authorities
100% agree with this. You reported the post in politicalmemes with this as the reason:
misinformation; these phone numbers route to a politically-aligned organization
What was the misinformation? The title says “[META] Where to call if you witness anyone intimidating or harassing at polling places.” and the image clearly states who is behind it.
If you can state that they aren’t there to help, and provide proof, I’ll back down, but the fact that you came at it as “lies”, that’s a bold claim.
Again, contact authorities, but there’s nothing wrong with having other avenues to assistance.
I agree, but every avenue at our disposal are forms. They will receive them, and I encourage that people DO report them to the FBI and Justice department. What I’m also saying is that those methods async, while this one is offering real-time assistance.
I would never say “don’t notify the authorities”. I am just saying that if you can put some weight behind your report and get it resolved while you are there, that’s a good thing too.
You assuming that because they are a political org, they will play partisan politics, so to ignore them out-of-hand makes me wonder what you would do in their position.
Not all people are evil, and again, I’m not saying not to report to the proper authorities. I’m just saying that reporting to the proper authorities may take weeks or months, where this may help you in minutes or hours - in time for the vote.
I called the top number (the “NATIONWIDE” number).
They were very prompt. I asked them if someone - regardless of political leaning - were to call, what they would actually do, and how this would be a better solution to other services like the ones listed by @mox@lemmy.sdf.org.
One thing is there’s no real-time solution available anywhere in the U.S., from what I can find, nor what they are aware of.
Next, when we call, they will route your call to the proper escalation path, depending on the nature of the call. This also means that if you’re being intimidated, they will reach out to the law enforcement for your polling station (city/county/state as needed). This is regardless of your political leaning. They would be contacting the proper authorities on behalf of the Democratic National Support Hotline, which carries a bit of weight, as they do have an army of lawyers at their disposal, for if it’s not resolved in a timely fashion.
I was on hold for a while to get a better understanding of how things worked, to see if this was, in fact, a valid and viable option.
Yes, it IS partisan org, but they state they will not play partisan politics with intimidation.
TL;DR: they are there to do something the government can’t/won’t - provide immediate resolution to voter intimidation regardless of your political leaning.
Locking. About 50 reports. I’m a volunteer, and don’t have enough time for this.