Interesting, never read the Dark Tower series so I had no idea.
But y’know, I do think there’s another famous book that is included “Gilead”…
Right because Trump never misused the pardon power before /s
This is a stupid excuse. He was always going to pardon J6ers and other allies, just like he always has
So he believed in COVID and supported immigrants, which disqualified him for checks notes drug enforcement?
One can only hope. Although I honestly have no idea if the rebels would be any better
Alas, this isn’t the federal legislature, so no Mike Johnson
“My bad, guys. I promise not to try that dictator shit again, just please don’t remove me from office!”
Chelsea Manning? The one who Obama famously pardoned as a lame duck?
“Everyone I don’t like is a right winger”
TIL we can only care about and only address one problem at a time.
That’s why we can’t talk about gun reform after a shooting!
Quoting the Lemmy ToS is not trolling
“Just pull money out of nowhere, don’t ask me what you should cut, you just need a budget!!!1”
So not only have you never been to a school board meeting, you’ve never had to budget for your department or handled anything that has accountability apparently lol
Sorry, I must be talking about a different country. In the USA, I don’t think anyone ever claimed the left was the backbone of the democratic party
Is this you seething because Dems are trying to end subminimum wage or something?
Yes, whoever you relied to doesn’t actually know much about recruiting
Perfect is the enemy of good
Or you’re just a right wing shill… probably that
The min wage last went up under Dems. Yes, worker rights have expanded under Dems. Yes, Dems kneecapped themselves by taking a public option out of the ACA but at least they got super close, unlike the GOP, whose best claim to policy change on healthcare was that dramatic moment when McCain stopped them from repealing the ACA.
One party wants granny to die from pre-existing conditions, the other isn’t quite left enough for you.
Just calling up a company isn’t networking
Network more until you meet someone who has an opening
lol you’ve never been to a school board meeting, huh? You think they have money set aside for renovations?
I honestly had not thought about this war in probably 5 years and I forgot how complicated everything is in Syria