How is it not god’s will that the fetus is aborted? I thought eVErYThiNG HApPeNS fOR a rEAsOn & gOd HAs a PLaN
It’s pretty goddamn arrogant to assume ~that this is what god wants, especially one who is ostensibly a loving god~ you know god’s will when god is something beyond our realm of comprehension*
*assuming god even exists**
**you may now shove me in a locker for my prattling on
How is it not god’s will that the fetus is aborted? I thought eVErYThiNG HApPeNS fOR a rEAsOn & gOd HAs a PLaN
It’s pretty goddamn arrogant to assume ~that this is what god wants, especially one who is ostensibly a loving god~ you know god’s will when god is something beyond our realm of comprehension*
*assuming god even exists**
**you may now shove me in a locker for my prattling on