Good work. And I agree that the media is included, and it should be highlighted and made more public just how many news outlets are controlled by US companies. I honestly don’t think a lot of the general public are aware of how much control the US has over many of our new outlets. Maybe people might have suspected it before, but not cared, but I think they’d care more now, given the US’s recent actions, and share that with the people around them.
It’s funny, a few months back, it felt like nothing could have stopped PP from getting a super majority. But now, the majority’s in doubt, and in some polls, he’d actually be trailing Carney. Not by much, but it’s still significant to see how much things have changed. A lot of PP’s attack ads and popularity were based on Trudeau fatigue, but if PP puts out attack ads saying Carney is Trudeau 2.0, I’m not sure how effective they’ll be.