Don’t they mean “Hank Propane”?
You. Scrolling by. Did you slip by w/o clicking that link?
You sure you made the right choice?
That was beautiful. " go pew pew pew pew"
Please, Hank Cocaine is my father. Call me Hank Dank.
I meet mostly moms. So I save them with their name and their kid’s name and sometimes the location we’ve met (usually a playground nickname) on my phone. Sarah Noah Locomotive, Madlene Jacob Crown, Vitali Pasha Poop.
Poor Pasha Poop, do they even know?
They weren’t literally standing in poop. It’s just the playground’s nickname thanks to all the dogshit.
Is that the Hank Cocaine who’s friends with Steve Buttstuff?
My family name comes from beer making in Germany. But I hate the taste of beer.
Is that you Mr.Brauwasseraufbereitungsanlage?
Wait, what’s a “Cooper”?
Joe Boring
I have a lot of:
<Name> Sparky
<Name> Company (position)
<Name> (kids name) School/Playgroup/Community GroupNote: I work with a lot of electricians.