My family name comes from beer making in Germany. But I hate the taste of beer.
My family name comes from beer making in Germany. But I hate the taste of beer.
It’s illegal to NOT buy something? Where do these guys come up with this? Is it illegal that I don’t buy MAGA swag and Trump coin? If that’s illegal then fucking lock me up because I refuse.
Thankfully I have a home and a good car so I am fine but I am pissed because I have nieces and nephews that are entering the world of parenthood and won’t be able to buy a family vehicle or a starter house. This also kills any of my planned home renovations because I won’t be able to afford lumber if the orange turd pisses off the Canadians further and tariffs lumber further.
That’s one way to get out of owning one. Just claim the brake gave out and it rolled into the water. As many mechanical issues those things have it will be hard for the insurance company to argue otherwise. Insurance check incoming to buy a non nazimobile.
Can an insurance company demand the surveillance video or would that be private since the driver has an expectation of privacy?
Yes there is no reason they wouldn’t be able to. Russia is doing it with all the companies that pulled out. The McDonald’s there is still running with Russian supplies*
Historically, companies like coke during WW2 when they lost access to the syrup invented Fanta. Wasn’t the same product as it is now but they still went their own way during war times.
*I have not verified if this is still true but it was when the war began and MD pulled out.
RFK just admitted measles is caused by malnutrition and then they gut the food for them.