The number of people here misspelling Colombia…
Yeesh, I started it in the post. Corrected.
Holy shit you weren’t kidding.
As a pedantic lover of the written word, I sense your pain.
Oy, what you on about
Man, I’d love to meet the man, just so I could tell him to fuck off and die.
A lot of these actually are criminals why should we have to keep them?
Stop using that label as an excuse to treat people as subhuman.
The state is rounding up people en masse and shipping them off to a foreign country. This process took a week. Due process is not present. This is some straight-up Nazi shit, and if you can’t at least mutter “fuck that,” then please shut up.
Yeah, why shouldn’t we send all Republicans to another country? Or how about those criminals guilty of being Jewish, or black, or gay? Or how about the crime of “looking too Mexican,” like the US did to US citizens during Operations Wetback 1 & 2.
Also, love how you even say “some of them are criminals,” not all of them. Meaning that you’re okay with gathering up some amount of innocent people and sending them to a different country with nothing more than the clothes on their backs.
Basically nobody opposes deporting actual criminals (not political crimes). The problem is that it isn’t the cartel members and bank robbers who get rounded up when a factory is raided. And the mother fleeing persecution is treated the same as the drug kingpin.
You’re asssuming they got mothers on this specific flight? I’ve seen nothing about innocents in this flight being posted, are these not straight up criminals on this flight? Can you show me articles I cant find any
actually are criminals
Where was this disdain for criminals at voting time?
Ah yes, because criminals are subhumans who should be exterminated like the cockroaches they are. And if we can’t take the trash out back like we should we can at least make it not our problem and make sure the cockroaches aren’t in our backyard. That’s what you’re saying right?
You missed the point where the people were cuffed the whole flight, were dehydrated and transported in military planes like cattle. That’s why those planes were rejected.
The president send his own jet to get these people back because they are people not cattle.
Seems like Trump’s strategy is to now bully countries into getting what they want. "I want them out!!! I want Canada!!! I want Greenland!!!
He’s basically the equivalent of the kid that flips over the monopoly table when someone bought a property before him.
I feel like all economies will soon be just trading with eachother, except with the US.
That is the only logical step. You can’t make deals with someone who throws you under the bus at the next opportunity 🤷🏻
They should start now. Countries should cut off trading with the US once Trump starts making threats in their direction, instead of waiting for him to make up his mind and do something. He’s too used to there not being any consequences.
It’s a good idea and countries started that with Russia though it’s still continuing. USA would just follow that model
What do they care about the exchange value if they’re not exchanging anything with the US?
Adjusted for PPP, the Russian economy is the 4th biggest in the world, experiencing a boom after the start of the war. Largest than any in Europe.
Everyone knows the USD is artificially inflated and has been for decades, propped up by oil and the threat of violence. Y’all gonna learn when this mother of all bubbles pops.
Do to the US what the US did to cuba? That would be so cruel.
what the US
didis doing to cuba…To be fair, they are doing it to themselves.
Cuba threatened nobody. Self defense isn’t the same as aggression.
A growing number of Canadians are already calling for exactly that
Won’t happen. EU is designed to serve the US, but we’ll see countries breaking off and (re)uniting with Russia.
The problem with that is that anti-Russian sentiment is highest in the East, so there’s no way they will break off.
Also Russia is not China, they barely have anything to give in a trade relationship. Also, the Ukraine invasion is scrounging up bad memories in most of the member states, so there’s that.
In Hungary, arguably the country closest ideologically to Russia, EU membership has had a consistent 70-80% approval. They won’t break off.
Also, the EU is designed to protect EU business interests against international ones, so they will go where the money is, and under Trump, that may cease to be the US.
It’s highest in the North-East, lowest in the South East.
There’s currently no direct land connection between Russia and Moldava/Slovakia/Romania/Hungary,
and without it, there’s no potential protection.
Georgia is already slowly turning around.Russia is an ally of China. What they have to give is the same as the EU (Germany) has to give with the US as their ally.
So far the EU has done everything in power to not protect EU business interests and favor US business interests over anything else.
Are you from the Eastern EU?
It’s not like that. The EU invests insane, Marshall-plan amounts of money into its Eastern member states, and it very visibly goes into infrastructure. Even stuff that is stolen by corruption is just money that goes into shit nobody needs, but still gets.
Every second playgorund, every motorway and new line of rail, every scientific lab and every second pub has a big-ass sign next to it saying “Built for a kajillion Euros by the EU”.
Relations with the US are also independent from relations to Germany/France/the EU, especially since the US doesn’t like to deal with the entire EU at once, since they can’t flex their muscles as much. The US also doesn’t really understand it, look at the new chip restrictions cutting the free market zone in half. All that also goes for China by the way.
Russia is simply incapable of giving a better deal than the EU. It can’t afford and is not credible to even want to spend as much as the EU. Also, Estonian, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Polish are official languages in Brussels, would they also be in Moscow? It’s just not comparable. And nobody needs Russia to trade with China. In fact, the big BnR rail line China/Serbia/Hungary is doing - the one that sparked the current protests that might mean the fall of the Russia/China aligned Serbian government - specifically avoids Russia. Most of current Chinese trade actually is mediated by the Netherlands and Romania/Bulgaria.
All I’m saying is that from the Eastern European viewpoint, if the EU/US and China/Russia are both a bundle deal - I believe they are not - then everyone will choose the one that doesn’t have Russia in it. If it’s not, the US and China are not necessarily different as a trading partner.
He literally is a petulant spoilt brat nappy wearing trust fund kid with unresolved daddy issues.
And threatening sanctions on any country that disagrees too.
I like how his statement paints not accepting refugees as a negative action
Trump wouldn’t recognize hypocrisy if it walked up and kicked him in the balls.
Norman Finkelstein said something the other day, quoting someone else…it was…“hypocrisy is the homage that vice pays to virtue”. Meaning, evil people understand what they’re doing is wrong, that’s why they pretend to be good. Hypocrisy is beyond the point to them. They’ve sacrificed morality. Although I think Finkelstein was saying it in the context of talking about how Republican pols do so much less of even pretending to be good (though certainly not zero).
I don’t think Finkelstein’s quote takes into account a severe narcissist.
In the narcissistic mind, the only right is something that benefits them, and the only wrong is something that harms them.
Well, the proof’s in the pudding - examine the evidence on this point, does he pretend to be something he’s not, better than what he is?
Ironically, so does your comment. You mean actively and forcibly ejecting refugees.
The economic vs. refugee character of the people he ejected is unclear AFAIK, though.
My comment alludes to Trump’s negative opinion of refugees
Oh, negative opinion.
How does it do that? These were Colombian citizens being moved unwillingly, not refugees.
Saying the president is already unpopular and now he won’t take these people makes it sound like taking refugees would boost his popularity
Trump however by doing this shows he thinks taking refugees is a bad thing
Forcibly relocating refugees doesn’t make them no longer refugees, it just makes you (the one relocating them) a bad person/in violation of international law
Ah. Then I’ll go back to my first comment.
Suit yourself, it was just pointing out hypocrisy
“Criminals they forced into the United States” = “Invasion”
“Repatriation” != “Deportation”
Repatriation is what happens when you return a POW to their country of origin. Deportation is when you return a criminal to their country of origin.
POWs are not entitled to access to the criminal justice system. They can be held indefinitely without charges, or returned to their country of origin, without judicial oversight. Since deportation is a judicial process, POWs are not subject to deportation.
POWs are not “subject to the jurisdiction” of US law; Trump is arguing that the children of “invader-immigrants” can’t be citizens.
The term repatriation is not in any way exclusive to POWs. It was, for example, used extensively during COVID when talking about voluntary repatriation of expats to their home countries.
True. I should have been more clear: Deportation requires the involvement of the judicial branch. Repatriation has no such requirement. “Repatriation” is a more generic term for returning to one’s country of origin.
I did not mean to suggest that “repatriation” was exclusive to POWs, and I apologize if I gave that impression. I meant to distinguish between judicial and non-judicial.
POWs are not entitled to access to the criminal justice system.
That’s… Not true.
POWs do not need to be charged with a crime. Indeed, under international treaties and laws governing armed conflict, POWs generally can’t be criminally charged for simply participating in hostilities.
They can be held without charge until the conclusion of hostilities. They are not entitled to the protections afforded to the accused, because they are not accused. They are not entitled to access to the criminal justice system.
By describing them as “invaders”, he is suggesting that immigrants be treated as enemy combatants.
Maybe the US should take back the US members of ISIS that have been left (along with the people from the other nations that joined ISIS) for the Kurds to keep.
Well you see, we have long and storied history of fucking over the Kurds. You wouldn’t want to tarnish that record would you?
Then Columbia put 50% tariffs on the US.
Love it.
It would be a good idea that Mexico, Columbia and other latin countries promote the Trump Wall, but expelling all US residents in their countries. A wall always works in both directions.
Getting married to a Colombian woman as an America. Is this going to hinder her from getting a marriage visa and coming to America with me?
It’s anyone’s guess, but Trump’s an idiot.
With all the executive orders he’s spewing forth, I wouldn’t be surprised if you run into some roadblocks, if only out of confusion on the part of immigration officials. For both your sakes, I hope it isn’t too disruptive. Mazel tov!
When did you submit the marriage visa? Also congrats! My wife is also Colombian and these last few days have been a fun time
Edit: I wish I could supply more information directly, but I am still trying to learn the visa processes. A local immigrant lawyer runs a daily Q&A stream if you want to hop in and see if you can get a slot to ask about your situation. Link: Jim Hacking immigration law. Dood is a good guy who doesn’t bullshit and gets straight to the point. I hope everything goes well for you and your SO
We are getting married at the notary today so she hasn’t applied for it yet! I am here I Colombia with her so sorry for the late reply. Internet is spotty I will look better when I arrive at her house. Thank you!
Yay! Wishing you both the best. I feel weird promoting a YouTube stream but it’s helping me learn a lot by just listening and hearing people’s stories. I believe the Zoom number and Whatsapp numbers are posted on his page. Looks like today’s is scheduled for 3:30PM COT/UTC -5 and tomorrow’s is 6:30PM COT/UTC -5.
Congratulations and commiserations!
It certainty make it easier.
You both are getting rounded up for the next flight lmao
I was born and raised in the deep south brother. Hate to be rude but fuck off.
So his default for Canada is this energy measure?
Go fuck your self trump.
Sanctions not going through Congress, it’s insane that’s considered constitutional
Clown gonna clown
Ho ho ho. Trump does not hold the cards here. Colombia DNGAF. But Trump does, and he’s digging that hole as fast as he can.
Even after all these years, I physically cringe every time I read “ReTruths”