Good luck suing them
Good luck suing them
Well, the proof’s in the pudding - examine the evidence on this point, does he pretend to be something he’s not, better than what he is?
Sanctions not going through Congress, it’s insane that’s considered constitutional
I already did.
Norman Finkelstein said something the other day, quoting someone else…it was…“hypocrisy is the homage that vice pays to virtue”. Meaning, evil people understand what they’re doing is wrong, that’s why they pretend to be good. Hypocrisy is beyond the point to them. They’ve sacrificed morality. Although I think Finkelstein was saying it in the context of talking about how Republican pols do so much less of even pretending to be good (though certainly not zero).
It means I should have read the article before I posted that.
Rest of the world understands solidarity better than U.S. voters
You know, if everyone pirated everything for long enough, there’d be no more money for all these content resellers to lobby Congress with, and copyright would just die.
Anything useful was probably burned. Coretta Scott King believed the FBI killed MLK, for reference. Trump’s just pandering of course.
American discourse is a neverending pit of bullshit. People will defend a lie to their deaths.
Saving stuff like this from the past year and a half in folders named “israel” and “us”. Starting to feel like I should just merge them, since they’re just the same thing. Jonathan Greenblatt from the “Anti-Defamation League” talking about the “TikTok problem”, and 5 seconds later a bill to ban it is passed.
Much like how the current German government is just resold, used Nazi Germany