I dated someone from Mauritius. French is the primary language there. It took months for me to pick up on her accent because her USA English was so good.
I dated someone from Mauritius. French is the primary language there. It took months for me to pick up on her accent because her USA English was so good.
So, basically, “fuck you, we broke it, you deal with it.”
I understand the watch having these features more than a I do with the bike. My sis-in-law runs marathons. I get why a phone is undesirable when running. I don’t get why when cycling, as it can just be attached to the frame of the bike.
Yeah, but I was only commenting on things like GPS and 5G. I know that my phone doesn’t track my heartrate (by default) and so on. I see no reason not to have those functions in the handlebar computer. I just don’t see why actual phone features would be duplicated, making the whole thing more complex and more expensive.
Look at that smug genocidal asshat.
Features include GPS connectivity for mapping as well as 5G and Bluetooth support, integration with common cycling sensors, long battery life, built-in lighting, and more. A rearview mirror camera had originally been planned, though any rear-focused plans are currently on hold.
That seems a little silly to me. It could be lower cost if it relied on the user’s smartphone for some of this hardware. But I’m not a cyclist, so perhaps there are reasons that aren’t obvious to me.
It saddens me that this whole debacle has to add to the pile of unwanted bad news. Cheers and support to the Asahi team. They’re doing great work.
Contra on NES.
Reliable software. It’s a thing of the past.
I think it’s great that the UK stepped on their dick and this made big news in the tech world. I don’t know if it got any play in more mainstream news, but it highlighted the dangers of over-regulation.
I’m typically pro-regulation, btw. I’m not a libertarian fuck-nut. Privacy is also cool, is what I’m saying.
Fascism is everywhere and I tie it all to the brazenness of the first Trump admin. Fascists the world over saw what he could get away with and got juiced.
Homelessness. But I don’t occasionally think about it. I see it every day. In the richest nation in recorded history.
Thanks for the feedback. Now I know I fucked up by over-buying when I decided to return to playing with servers last summer. I at least had plausible deniability in my own head. Oh well, cheers.
Holy shit, I can’t believe I’m also a member of Hamas because I call Israel a genocidal state. Well, guess now I know. I’ll expect a raid any moment.
His soccer bit is still one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.
Nailed it.
“Voluntarily leave or be murdered where you stand.”
There goes everyone who knew anything about how to run things.
Thanks for clarifying.