Not a nazi thing. Lot of governments are. While not the most economically beneficial it is a countries right to want them or not.
want to suppress freedom,
They have a government that banns slogans/free speech.
Is the current german government nazi’s?/facist?
By all means it can make them tyrannical or authotarian but doesnt make them nazi’s unless said limitation of freedom is based
On control of everything inside the state
Nothing aganist the state
And nothing outside the state.
Then yeah thats Grade A nazi’s
want to separate kids with disabilities from other kids in schools,
If they are coming at it from an ubermensch angle then yeah sure. Depending on the disability there is plenty of valid reasons to want seperate classes. Personal example is that we have a special ed class for kids that are on the spectrum that makes them incompatible with other students or larger classes. But im guessing its not something reasonable like that.
etc. They not just tolerate but supports Nazis like Höcke, who btw. told an inteviewer once that once he’s in power, the interviewer will regret asking those questions
As scum of the earrh journalists can be. Not a good choice of words as a politician.
Sure, you can relativize each individual point and completely ignore the big picture. Just remember that even the NSDAP didn’t advertise themselves with “vote for us so we can slaughter 6 million people and start a world war”. If you want to ignore that the AfD shows the same signs as the NSDAP did before they got control, sure. But don’t cry when we end up with the next piece of shit Nazi government in Germany that starts to errode democracy until it has full power.
They are against immigrants,
Not a nazi thing. Lot of governments are. While not the most economically beneficial it is a countries right to want them or not.
want to suppress freedom,
They have a government that banns slogans/free speech.
Is the current german government nazi’s?/facist?
By all means it can make them tyrannical or authotarian but doesnt make them nazi’s unless said limitation of freedom is based
On control of everything inside the state Nothing aganist the state And nothing outside the state.
Then yeah thats Grade A nazi’s
want to separate kids with disabilities from other kids in schools,
If they are coming at it from an ubermensch angle then yeah sure. Depending on the disability there is plenty of valid reasons to want seperate classes. Personal example is that we have a special ed class for kids that are on the spectrum that makes them incompatible with other students or larger classes. But im guessing its not something reasonable like that.
etc. They not just tolerate but supports Nazis like Höcke, who btw. told an inteviewer once that once he’s in power, the interviewer will regret asking those questions
As scum of the earrh journalists can be. Not a good choice of words as a politician.
Sure, you can relativize each individual point and completely ignore the big picture. Just remember that even the NSDAP didn’t advertise themselves with “vote for us so we can slaughter 6 million people and start a world war”. If you want to ignore that the AfD shows the same signs as the NSDAP did before they got control, sure. But don’t cry when we end up with the next piece of shit Nazi government in Germany that starts to errode democracy until it has full power.