Cripple. History Major. Vaguely Left-Wing.

Alt of PugJesus for ensuring Fediverse compatibility and shit

  • 816 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • lmao, I checked my last month of posts in this community, let’s go over them, shall we?

    For those who are wondering but don’t want to go down through, it’s 1/18 pro-Biden posts, in the past 30 days. How strange that a tankie would make such an easily disproven lie! Totally unheard of! /s

    1. Anti-genocide (this one)

    2. “Based leftist president tells coup leader to fuck off”

    3. Pro-ranked choice

    4. “SCOTUS is fucked”

    5. “FORM UNIONS”

    6. “Fetishization of Russian politics is incredibly transparent and you shouldn’t fall for it”

    7. Anti Ukrainian genocide

    8. Anti Ukrainian genocide

    9. An ACTUAL pro-Biden post [That’s 1 so far, for those counting]

    10. “Trump speaks like a particularly troubled third grader”

    11. “Capitalism is fucked”

    12. “Trump speaking on history is fucking bizarre”

    13. “Not everything bad is fascism; some things are bad but NOT fascism”

    14. Criticism of China’s anti-LGBT policies

    15. Anti-genocide

    16. “Why do right-wingers always have anime profile pics”

    17. “Reagan was a shitbag”

    18. “MAGA doesn’t know what socialism is”

  • What a shitty situation we’re in where this is ‘good’ news. 70%+ of Americans have forgotten what’s inscribed on Lady Liberty’s base. Give me your tired, your poor…

    Any other situation, I would say that this is terrible news. Our immigration system is fucking broken, and if putting extra weight on the break makes it more noticeable, than put the fucking weight on it. Not to mention the moral duty to provide refuge for those fleeing any kind of circumstance.

    But we’re also staring down a double-barrel shotgun of fucking fascism at the moment, so the opinions of our 70% of ‘very concerned individuals’ have to fucking matter in policy choices.

    God, I hate humanity some days.

  • Sharply more Americans than 20 years ago say antisemitism is a very serious problem, as Jewish Americans’ reports of poor treatment exceed those of other faith groups.

    This is very deeply concerning, especially since Jewish-Americans, statistically speaking, are more likely to be friendly to the Palestinian cause and critical of the Israeli government than non-Jewish Americans. It suggests that there’s more than just the element of “CRITICISM OF ISRAEL IS ANTISEMITISM” peddled by Israeli simps.

  • In my experience, moderation rules for unpaid volunteer mods are worthless except as a guideline to users as to what to do or not to do.

    The purpose of rule of law in real life is to ensure adherence to it by overlapping systems and oversight. As most moderation groups don’t have overlapping systems or oversight, and sometimes don’t even communicate with each other when taking action, strict ‘rules-based’ moderation pretty invariably turns into “moderator roulette” as each mod interprets the rules differently and prejudicially without any mechanism for being called out on it or corrected. So, you know, no different than ‘rule by leader’ other than the potential of abuse of the proclaimed rules-based system by bad faith actors.

    Especially since many moderation teams ‘close ranks’ or blow it off if any of their’s is accused of wrongdoing.

    Had a mostly good experience with mods on Lemmy so far, though. I’ve stayed far away from .ml, so that might have something to do with it.