Forget about ISO 8601 and customary standards, let’s use SI units.
Approximately 63 838 093.83 kiloseconds have passed since the beginning of the so-called “common era” in Greenwich.
I don’t remember the time it was when I did this lol.
Basically, current date minus one and the time as is, times the average seconds for each.
I just used 0000 as the “beginning of the common era” just to simplify things lol.
Forget about ISO 8601 and customary standards, let’s use SI units. Approximately 63 838 093.83 kiloseconds have passed since the beginning of the so-called “common era” in Greenwich.
is that fast SI seconds or slow SI seconds? (alt text)
Basically used averages:
2022 × 31 556 952 + 11 × 2 629 746 + 11 × 86 400 + [Hours] × 3 600 + [Minutes] × 60
I don’t remember the time it was when I did this lol. Basically, current date minus one and the time as is, times the average seconds for each. I just used 0000 as the “beginning of the common era” just to simplify things lol.