I don’t see this as a bad thing. School shootings are old news, but people think that guy’s assassination was just.
Perhaps the CEOs of the world will take note that the masses react positively to them being assassinated. Whether or not that’ll be enough to cause any systemic change, though, is a different question…
“Jesus died for your sins, and you’ll go to hell if you don’t believe!”
I don’t get it >:|
If there were any valid reasons to believe a religion was true, there wouldn’t be a problem with teaching it in school.
As if Google is any better
She looks jacked
True, if ur gonna shoot me use a gun pls
OOTL, what’s with the orcas wearing fish as a hat memes
I love this!
What an awful day to be literate
I want this to be real but I’m not willing to go to Twitter to see
Why would it be a permanent brick? Shouldn’t a flashdrive and access to BIOS be enough to get your PC working again?
Complaining about shit posts in a shitposting community is big brain stuff lol