We remove them when they’re reported or find them in the field. I go through most posts of the day but it’s entirely possible I didn’t click on every single comment section. The extremely long ones load really weird for me, I find that most posts with 100+ comments tended to be the issue but the community usually does a good job reporting trash comments pretty quickly.
We’ve had people assume that because a post was 1-2 days old, the comments were also exactly that old, so I’m not sure if that’s what you’re thinking of… on the more extreme side we’ve also had 7-day old posts still racking up new comments that I had to lock because it was getting out of hand.
I keep seeing comments like this about none of us having local accounts. My account is local??? I was one of the first mods brought on by Moss, so I’m not sure where this came from. I had a shitjustworks account at first, but I switched over almost immediately so maybe that was it? Our reports counter is consistently at 0.
The rest is accurate.