heartheartbreak [fae/faer]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 22nd, 2023

  • Sadly the cpusa mention overshadowed what you were trying to say, but I agree it’s something that needs to be constantly reiterated which is that third worldism is a fallacious ideology and needs to be combatted. One thing in particular is that American comrades really need to read more communist American history if they want to understand the condition of the American working class beyond “labor aristocracy” epithets. Every single gain the working class in the imperial core has made has been the result of both external AND internal movement and the over emphasis on the external leads to a disregard of emphasis on the internal.

    Even for instance the civil war, which yes was fought on the part of the northern industrial capitalists to overcome the South’s political and state dominance, was also actually fought for with the blood of northern communists and leftists who understood the horrors of slavery and the need for solidarity against it. Bill Haywood as you mentioned consistently fought against backwards elements in the union movement against integrated unions up until his death. CPUSA or not there’s a long history of communism’s struggle here in the US and to deny our predecessor’s efforts is to say that all they have fought and died for is all for nothing.

  • A form of government in which the governing body has absolute, or almost absolute, control. Typically this control is maintained by force, and little heed is paid to public opinion or the judicial system.

    This definition of “authoritarian” applies to everybody. And literally none of the leaders of the Soviet union or the dprk qualify as dictators according to your definition either lmfao.

    Please, please read State and Revolution. There are a lot of confusions that you have that that reading would do a lot to clear up. You have no historical materialist understanding of the state and frankly I think a lot of the disagreements that you have are not in actuality disagreements on principles but of confusion on the topic.

  • In my experiences talking with most non-right wing Taiwanese people is simply that they want peace and to not be used as a geopolitical pawn for imperialist motives. I think this is a fairly reasonable position and would hope for at least some form of peaceful rapprochement where some amount of autonomy can be established like in the other autonomous regions in China.

    The issue is that the current western hegemonic world order helmed by the US is seeking a point of conflict with China to prevent them from effectively disrupting the current status quo which you are probably aware of: imperialism, neocolonialism and unequal exchange. With capitalisms need to continually expand we see again it’s need for war in order to establish new markets. Its probably humanity’s number one priority to prevent the upcoming world crisis and as many emerging wars as possible (especially considering what that would do to climate change). Combatting the propaganda designed to manufacture consent for an upcoming war with China is the most important thing that a leftist can be doing in regards to geopolitics.

  • The opposition is not “the people”. “The people” just want to live peaceful lives without having the US betting their empire on causing WW III in their backyard. In order to properly oppose imperialism, especially as a first worlder, you need to understand the class interests of monopoly capital and how the emergence of finance capital combining with the force and violence of the state is where imperialism comes from. China has never couped a sitting head of state in order to create a banana republic to enslave the populations and resources of another country. There’s valid criticisms to be made but ur shooting yourself in the dick if you’re criticizing without education on it.