So in Sonic Underground, the main characters are urchin urchins?
In portuguese, it is still the same:
Sea urchin = ouriço do mar
Hedgehog = ouriço cacheiro
Porcupine is porco-espinho; literally, thorn pig.
Sea urchin: oursin (“small bear” kinda)
Porcupine: Porc-épic (epic pork!) which sounds like porc et pics (pork and spikes)
French is rich with playful words.
Hérisson kinda sounds like oursin, I wonder if it evolved from it. (The word not the animal)
Oh right, the image was talking about hedgehogs and not porcupines so the hérisson (probably from hérissé?) and not the porc-épic!
Yeah :)
So victorian childeren were just being called stree hedgehogs?
Yeah what was up with that? Were kids spiky back then?
Figuratively, Street kids do tend to be.
If you punch them, do gold rings explode out of them?
Only one way to find out
that’s still their name in portuguese (ouriço do mar)
Same in German (Seeigel). Though I wondered what an “urchin” is since I learned the word. So still a TIL.
Now I can’t remember the name in french
its Oursin, but apparently Hérisson de mer is used too :3
(altho it’s more rare and old-fashioned, personally i haven’t heard it)