I‘m a little shocked rn. I am using fluffychat on ios since my legacy iphone is still working and I dont want to throw it out until its done.

But this happened the first time: I wrote „then I might need to take a taxi“ to someone and an installed taxi app immediately popped up via notifications saying „get off 25% today“ or something.

This freaks me out big time since it could mean every word I write on this phone gets checked by something/someone.

Anyone else? (It was literally the second I wrote the sentence)

  • tsonfeir@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    Apple does not sell your data to a taxi app. Apple does not transmit your keystrokes.

    FluffyChat, according to their privacy page, uses FireBase for Push notifications. If the message content is transmitted through them, and the taxi app uses firebase too, they could—theoretically—associate your data with both accounts and push you ads for another service on behalf of the taxi app.

    It’s probably just a coincidence… and I’d be alarmed too, but I’d start blaming other companies before Apple, as they tend to horde your data for their own use, not sell it. Apple hates sharing.

    • haui@lemmy.giftedmc.comOP
      5 months ago

      Possible but statistically unlikely. No push notifications of this kind for days before despite heavy use of the phone, then the second I write this one sentence it shows.

      The push provider would be one possible or siri which also suggests apps based on usage data and tried to complete my sentences in mastodon, which also irritates me.