A Mississippi man accused of destroying a statue of a pagan idol at Iowa’s state Capitol is now being charged with a hate crime.
Oh fuck it’s the official Cheems account
I am he
Who that?
Cheems (I don’t know)
lol I applaud your moment of chaos :D
If you expect that this will act as a deterrent, you are mistaken. These people believe that they are part of the Abrahamic god’s army and are fighting HIS battle. That means that if they have to sacrifice their lives, great, it just means they go to heaven.
I do not expect that this will act as a deterrent.
In violation of Satanic Tenet IV: The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one’s own.
Edit: I think I may have written this out to give the incorrect impression. What I mean is that this act of destroying the idol is in violation. Not that the person who did it is being violated upon.
I don’t think this would be an actual violation. The freedom originally encroached upon was the TSTs freedom to display their statue. By willfully and unjustly encroaching on that right, the accused forwent their own.
Our laws should not be and are not tied to any religious laws.
The hate-crimer willfully and unjustly encroached on the freedom of another, therefore he forgoes his own freedom.
Tenet II: Don’t let dipshits get away with hate crimes.
Their tenets don’t matter in this case, since we’re a nation of laws and a crime was committed
It’s basically the idea of a social contract. When you withdraw/ offend the contract, you no longer get to enjoy the benefits of the contract.
You can lie, but expect to be lied to. You can steal, but expect to be stolen from. You can KILL… and you know what comes next.
It’s very, “eye for an eye”.
I’m not trying to refute you, more responding to the other comments in the thread.
Hate crimes shouldn’t exist at all. They’re just normal crimes.
If we’re going to go there, crimes shouldn’t exist at all and should be regarded by the community as antisocial behavior and conflicts of interest.
LoL, property ownership is a core fundamental of freedom.