Sounds racist to me.
Sounds racist to me.
My theory is THAT’S why they say being gay is a choice.
They themselves are CHOOSING to be straight, and they assume that EVERYONE is feeling the same way and successfully fighting the gay urges. It’s no fair that the “Pride” crew gets to flaunt all that delicious man meat instead of hiding and suffering like “the rest of us”.
But someone needs to look out for the white male billionaires! What about THEIR struggles?!?
This is what I’m seeing here.
“Lemmy would be better if it wasn’t an echo chamber. There’s no variety in opinion.”
“Well, if you don’t agree with us you can leave!”
I think in some cultures that means we’re married now.
Right now, I’m smoking a bowl and watching a show about how McDonald’s and KFC got started.
Right now, I am ok.
We also had the antenna motor! That thing was awesome. I could pick up stations from Canada!
As you should have!
Don’t forget to sign my guestbook!
Happy Hoarder Holidays!
It’s not blue and black! It’s white and gold!!!
🎵 Diddy Diddy Diddy. 🎵
Look at this guy who doesn’t number his commands by tens! Such confidence!
Was it shaped like a sports car? Those were radical.
Just to echo everybody else, uninstall the Reddit app. Put a Lemmy app where your Reddit button used to be.
It’s been over a year and a half for me, I’ve only been to Reddit a few times since then, and it was to find specific information.
You and me both, but I heard that all political posts on social media came from 10% of users, I don’t know how accurate that is, but even if it’s much higher, that’s still a large majority of people who just have “more important things” to pay attention to.
From what I’ve seen, most people don’t care about their parties “agenda”. They usually just hear about one of two issues and take a stance on that.
A majority of the Trump votes, especially the ones that didn’t vote down ballot, were pissed at the status quo and voted against “normalcy”.
They don’t know what sort of crazy shit Trump will bring, but they know they don’t want any more of what they have now.
I’m not saying it’s the right stance to have, but it’s understandable.
Just seems like an odd thing to get defensive about.