Yo what is that walker/chair thing?! Where can I buy one?
🎶A great adventure is waiting for you ahead. Hurry onward Linkiwinks, for you will soon be dead. The journey before you may be long and filled with woe, But you must climb through the trees wood ass, or your tale can’t be told 🎶
The links in here are not even related to the article posted except the last one??
To be fair… There are too many in a brothel…
I wonder who he voted for.
Buh-REE-tohs, you know, roll 'em, flat 'em, cook 'em in a pan.
Is it different if they fire you for not returning to work?
Book = story
Movie = video story
Game = interactive story
The fuck, fellas?!
I mean, for gunmies I’d imagine it’s like making jello. In which case, ensure the mixture is mixed thoroughly and not by some dude named Ben who is using a wooden spoon. I’m not in the business so maybe it’s easier said than done.
Then the world’s fever will work as intended.
I ate a gummy a few times. Same brand, same kind. The variance in individual pieces is wild. Sometimes it’s a buzz, sometimes I end up unable to remain coherent.
That’s basically the whole article in the title right there.
I checked recently and am in the top portion of earners. Alone I make more than most households in the US. The economy is for rich folk, and people do deserve to make more to live happier. The quality of life should be better than what it is now for everyone. The only reason it isn’t is because the rich desire to be richer.
People of color seem to perform amazing in athletics compared to other races in America (see: American football, basketball). Makes me think that Americans hyper-evolved their slaves by selective breeding. Unfortunate and extremely unethical, but maybe possible? Idk.