• It’s exactly because they know a thing or two they’re not willing to throw the term around willy-nilly

    What’s happening in Gaza right now isn’t a genocide. It’s awful, they are commiting warcrimes, but not a genocide.

    Funnily enough, what’s happening in the West Bank has better Chances of being classified as a Genocide. Yet all those “Experts” on the Internet never talk about that. They only see civilian houses blowing up, then they take the worst word they know, “genocide”, and call it that.

    • Adanisi@lemmy.zip
      10 months ago

      Do you think Palestinians in Gaza will ever be able to return home, in the near or far future, without being killed under the excuse of “it’s an evacuation zone, so they must be Hamas”?

      And do you think the “evacuation zone” will ever stop expanding before it encompasses the entirety of Gaza?

      Because I’m pretty sure forcefully displacing a people from their home and not allowing them to return qualifies as genocide.

      • Do you think Palestinians in Gaza will ever be able to return home, in the near or far future

        absolutely. Not in the near, but in the Medium-to-Long-Term (5mo+) they will be able to return to the Strip.

        Israel is not interested in a prolongued Conflict. I say Nettanyahus Successor will try to mend things with the Gazans once they weakened Hamas enough.

        • Adanisi@lemmy.zip
          10 months ago

          I have a few questions:

          1. Where will they return to with the whole strip flat?

          2. When will the “evacuation zone” stop expanding? Because as far as I’m aware more of the strip is in the zone than out of it.

          3. Do you think a power hungry, violent asshole who has stated he will ignore the world court if he doesn’t like what they decide is interested in the wellbeing of anyone but himself and his elite friends?

          4. How is it okay to force the most populous region to move further and further south (which was also physically impossible in the time allocated) where there is nowhere for them to stay in the interim, because there might be Hamas among them?