We take the korv, it’s red skin colored with falu rödfärg, and it is microwaved to just before it cracks open. After that we cut the skin and put on mustard and ketchup. It is served with whole grilled onion and Pyssling Pudding. A mix of lime jell-o and chocolate.
I’m still confused regarding the picture…
It’s a split sausage but took me a while too
Classic Swedish Christmas dish. Microwaved sausage.
I must know more
Either I’m hoping I’m gonna learn about a strange tradition or that I’m about to read a load of carefully crafted bullshit to seem like the former.
Either way I’m happy, so tell me more about your traditional festively microwaved sausages
We take the korv, it’s red skin colored with falu rödfärg, and it is microwaved to just before it cracks open. After that we cut the skin and put on mustard and ketchup. It is served with whole grilled onion and Pyssling Pudding. A mix of lime jell-o and chocolate.
Okay I was with you until
What in the hell, this clearly goes much deeper than I imagined
mmm, rostsmak
Alla behöver lite järn
Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time to the rescue! (Though here specifically they do not microwave it)
It’s falukorv. The rest obviously doesn’t need an explanation.