just me

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • yes that is indeed the moral dilemma of the trolley problem

    i’ve seen people claim that the decision is easy - but the comfort of this being a simple thought experiment softens the fact you are pulling the lever that’s going to kill that one person. If you don’t, sure 5 people die - but you can absolve yourself of guilt easier than if you pulled the lever and, in a way, caused that one death

  • yea true, though (and again i’m just speculating and talking out of my ass, do tell me if you find that annoying i can do research i just don’t feel like it atm) wouldn’t first schools have been made just for the working class kids? The rich kids were getting home schooled by best professors and then sent off to universities. The working class kids would be sent to the newly established general schools where they could learn and find new opportunities (and get conditioned to work in factories). I don’t think you’d see many rich kids in schools with “the poors”. And once schools became the norm, and rich kids schools began popping up then the schematic of what a pre-university school looked like was already established

  • i thiiink it’s to help everyone see & hear better, like in ancient Greek theatres

    this is all guesswork but, i’m guessing that since university education historically (and in a lot of places to this day) is more a thing of the rich they actually put some thought into the design of the lecture halls. And for the education of the poors that’s simply made to condition them to work in factories they just put some tables and chairs in a room and called it a day - and since then the design stuck

  • ye but i wouldn’t have known about it since i never put it on with an intention to disappear. Only after being told the ring is “special and powerful and stuff” i’d try to use it to do something i can’t normally, otherwise it’s just a trinket. Well, a trinket i’d be oddly attached to, but it’s a gift from my uncle so that attachment wouldn’t be that weird, right?

  • or as Freud put it:

    “So, I gave my lecture yesterday. Despite the lack of preparation, I spoke quite well and without hesitation, which I ascribe to the cocaine I had taken before hand. I told about my discoveries in brain anatomy, all very difficult things that the audience certainly did not understand, but all that matters is that they get the impression that I understand it.”

  • Bilbo was 111, and Frodo was 33 during the birthday party when Bilbo left the Shire.

    Only 17 years later, when he’s 50, does Frodo go off on the Quest to destroy the ring.

    I’m making my way through the books right now and I haven’t seen the films in ages, but if I recall correctly it’s much less clear in those that there was a time skip. Which yea if I were adapting a book I’d also skip the bit where JRRT says “and then nothing of importance happened for 17 years, apart from the fact Gandalf was travelling to do research about the ring and kinda went missing recently”.