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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • What I’m saying is that they probably did talk. It could be inferred by the nature of their relationship that the housemate pays so much attention to their well-being. Nothing says or implies conversations didn’t happen around depression. But as you said, talking about depression isn’t a cure. It is complicated.

  • I don’t think it truly matters what phone you use so long as you’re satisfied with it.

    I started with a Nokia and migrated to the galaxy s2 then a HTC. After some time I switched over to an iPhone 5 and then spent a couple years with a middle of the road android who’s brand I have not even committed to memory. My current is an iPhone 11 which I’m pleased with.

    All this to say, I think there’s weird cultism around the android ecosystem that is, to me, just weird. Wave your flag with pride sure, but no need to poo poo someone else’s yum all the while.

  • I enjoyed the episode well enough as a gimmick. It was clear the cast really enjoyed themselves and I’m glad we get episodes like this.

    I am a fan of musicals and musical theatre. While it’s nice to see them have a go, it certainly is one of the musicals of all time. Nothing impressed me. It wasn’t particularly inspiring or interesting. Forcing that dreadful auto tune on several of the characters felt even worse. It would have felt charming for them to not necessarily nail every note. In the end, I now see in retrospect why the marketing for this episode contained none of the musical numbers; the executives might have thought it would put people off.

    I never mind when a good Star Trek show does an average episode because I’m always happy to see more of the characters I love.

    After last weeks episode, which in my opinion could be one of, if not the best Star Trek has done in 30 years, I feel like they can take the small L here.