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[…]perpetuating the mantra of “art for art’s sake” isn’t merely irresponsible—it reinforces the status quo of the capitalist class. It echoes an ethos of "apathy for apathy’s sake.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • It’s kind of ironic, I haven’t started the job yet, and I don’t even know if I’ll be able to take this opportunity because I’m too damn broke to get everything I need to fucking… get licensed and… such. My driver’s license was expired, I gotta handle that, my… I need to buy a suit and… all these other little things, I’m short on my rent. Shit, it’s not looking good. But… we’ll see. Because this is a sales job, so… You don’t have a motherfucker who… advocates for Medicare for All, selling Medicare plans. Ain’t that a motherfucker, huh? That’s something I had to reconcile. But see… I was working in tech, man. And I don’t give a fuck what… position you in. If you working in tech… Yo shit… You, you got blood on your hands, like… When you work for Microsoft, who built the AI that’s killing the Palestinians? Microsoft. You work for a contracting company, who you really working for? You work for the government. There’s no escaping that if you work in tech. So, I mean, at the end of the day… I can’t put too much… weight into my own ethical choices when I’m only… The reason I’m taking this job is because I don’t want to get called back at the end of the day. And yeah, man, I know what it is to have to try to reconcile that shit. I got friends who are doing… mandatory minimums… for the same shit I was doing. I got friends… You know, my grandfather did 25 years in prison… for selling crack. Like… He’s a motherfucker. He’s… Growing up with no… power sometimes, having a… leaky roof. And now you’re looking at… making enough money to possibly be able to pay for my friend’s healthcare and shit. Who’s to tell me I can’t go get that money? At the end of the day… That money, in my head, is going to pay for a lot… better shit. And do a lot more work. And do a lot more work. And do a lot more work. And do a lot more work.

  • I’m in this weird spot right now where, you know, I’ve been unemployed for three months. I’m basically out of money and out of things I can sell to get money, and I’ve borrowed money from, you know, a lot of friends at this point. And it’s not a good look, though, because before I got laid off, they stole my last check, and by the time I finally got it, it was only half my pay, and then there was PayPal fees, because I sent it through PayPal, and it’s a long story. But at the same time, I have been expended a job offer that if I can get this license taken care of and handled, which is going to cost me money I don’t have, then I could potentially make a good amount of money, like more than I was making any job before this one. And it’s such a weird feeling where it’s like cabinets are empty, rent is short, but maybe, just maybe, we’ll be okay. I don’t know.

    Basically out of options, and trying not to scream as loud as I can.

  • I swear it’s like Terminally Online Anarchists are in a competition to see who could say the dumbest shit possible and get downvoted the fastest. You ever heard of a transitionary state? You ever heard of scientific Marxism? You ever heard of the process? You ever thought about the fact that the USSR may have skipped quite a few steps? Right? Because you’re supposed to go from capitalism to socialism to communism. Right? Right. This is like basic shit. This is very obvious shit. Well they went from peasant class, industrialized, into communism. Right? They weren’t even industrialized when communism took place. That’s on top of western sabatage, economic pressures and beat the fucking Nazis.

    The irony is that you think that a real communist, right, who wants to go from a state to a stateless society all overnight, essentially, is what you’re saying. That’s a real communist. Maybe we call them anarchists. Well, you know, the irony here is that there are anarchist derivative movements that are happening right now. You have Rojova, you have the Zapatistas. Both of these ideologies acknowledge that a state system not only is compatible with them, although (democratic confederalism would prefer there not to be a state), they even go as far as to understand that the necessity of a state, or a state-like entity, within the framework of our current global material conditions, because everything else is defined by the nation-state system. Look, I’m drunk. But I had to get on ya ass.

    I keep telling people the needle has already been threaded, that anarchism and communism should no longer be opposed, modern thinkers have threaded the needle, but then I see a dumbass motherfucker like you posting and I go, well, maybe not.

  • My reasoning (aside from liking them) for being visibly open about being a socialist/communist is that the majority of people haven’t physically met one of us in person. All they know is what they have been told via media and political leaders or whatever.

    This is my reasoning for being extremely open, I like to think I’m one cool cat, and if I’m open about my principles, that makes it easier for others to be like “damn bro is a commie? kinda based actually”. Not going to compromise my principles in the face of the abyss

  • The problem is, fundamentally, we don’t have a vanguard party. At least in the U.S. It’s all feds. It’s feds all the way down, all the way up. So you have to think, you know, you could do good work in those organizations because the people at the lower levels aren’t feds, but at the end of the day, what those organizations advocate for, they’re not going to deliver us the type of change we need. So then it becomes, okay, if you want to start a vanguard party, how do you go about doing that? Because it has to be a movement of the people, led by the people. You can’t lead the people for the movement. You see what I’m saying?

  • We know that time plus space equals will, but the problem is, I mean, just on the barest minimum, there’s an act of genocide going on and climate change. We lack the time to build the space, to build the will. And this is a fundamental issue, because when you lack the time, then you start thinking rash. You start thinking, well, how can we rapidly establish certain things and leapfrog to certain things? And like you said, that just becomes, that’s a slippery slope to adventurism. Adventurism should be avoided at it all costs, because ultimately, I think adventurism is detrimental to the movement.

    That isn’t to say that certain tactics can’t be powerful. In the moment. I would consider what Aaron did to be propaganda of the deed, which makes sense. He was an anarchist, so that’s going to be his root philosophy. And I think that what he did was a very powerful propaganda win. We’ve seen people resign from the State Department and mention his name specifically because they don’t want to be part of this genocide. So I think it’s all about threading that needle. Because we can’t all do what Aaron did, because then there would be nothing left. You see what I’m saying? We have to just take a bigger picture approach, I guess. I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like I’m in over my head.

  • Well, I don’t want anyone to think that my goal is to deceive anybody. That’s not what I mean by, quote-unquote, high on your power level. It’s more or less… The things that I believe in are probably more extremist than even some of the people on the server, or whatever it’s called. So, how are you going to try to appeal to people who are… who don’t know anything about politics at all, are not politically active, are not politically minded, but they do know that they like a certain kind of music. And sure, the music has been co-opted almost entirely by capitalism, with milquetoast non-political rebellion. But at the same time, why are those people attracted to that rebellious image, that gutter-punk image? It’s because the system’s fucked. At the end of the day, you can neoliberalize it. You can take all the rappers and all the punk bands and make them apolitical, and they just stand for being a rebel, for being a rebellion’s sake. But it doesn’t change the way that people feel. The problem is, if I come at it, and I go, hey, we should throw acid on transphobes, people are going to look at me like I’m fucking crazy. Even if I really do believe that, you see what I’m saying? To me, it’s trying to appeal to the person who is apolitical, who is, I don’t have a political belief, but also is someone who’s already kind of pliable to the left. I make no qualms about the fact that I’m a communist, and I have no problem telling people that, but I don’t want people to think that communism is some crazy, repressive, fucking malice cult or something. That’s why I don’t tell people I’m a malice, despite fully believing that a PPW is absolutely required to dismantle the settler state, most other ppl don"t.