عفكرة ما حدا غير انا وإياك رح يقرأ ايش بتكتب وبالصراحة بتحكيلي انو مش مصدق انو أنا عربي بس بشوفكش ترد غير انو كتبت بدنا نعيش… طب ماشي عايشين بس كيف بتعيش أهل غزة… احنا مستقبلنا ولا بيدن ولا الترمب رح يتحسن علينا و وأولاد عمنا رح يخلصو شغلهم قبل ما أي حد عندو فرصة لغير اشي
احكيلي كمان مرة انو أنا ندل وجاسوس بس انت مقاومتك انك بتساعد لبيدين عن جد؟ مش عارف وينتا جيت على أمريكا ووينتا اخير مرة بقيت انت بالبلاد بس تحكيش عني أو عن اهلي أو صحابي إذا بدك تمص لإلي احتلنا وقتلنا ولو سمحت رد علي بالعربي إذا عروبتك على هالدرج انك بتعرف مين عربي ومين لا هيك عالسريع
So you’re not gonna answer anymore huh? I can only assume that you’re a second generation immigrant and you’re not capable of actually speaking, let alone reading or writing in Arabic. If you’re indeed Palestinian go ask your parents what I wrote lmao. Machine translation is not gonna help you.
Assuming that YOU indeed are who you claim, let me tell you something. Unlike you I actually grew up in Palestine and I’m Palestinian first. You seem to be first of all American and this whole Palestine thing is more of a thing where in high school you bring some Hommos and celebrate diversity. But we’re not some illusion of your assumed identity. We are real people living real lives, and we’re dying and being oppressed right now. This is happening at the hands of a genocidal maniac armed and supported by the current president Joe Biden. Many of my relatives and friends have died, my family has been displaced and lives in diaspora.
Since you’re mainly American you won’t understand this, but if Biden isn’t willing to give up his die hard Zionist stance, we’re not gonna vote for him. If Trump wins the election and the US becomes a dictatorship, we will go somewhere else. We have left our lives behind and we’re prepared to do it again. And we’re not going to sacrifice ourselves because people like you are too afraid to give up their cushy American lifestyle.