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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2024


  • nice attempted rage bate

    There’s a massive difference between sharing views, IE: “I don’t like billionaires”, and Making threatening remarks, or calling to violence (not ok).

    trying to frame me pointing out that calls to violence are NOT a good look for Lemmy, is not me calling out censorship. That’s you trying to rage bate the conversation into some argument about your rights (which ends where my nose begins)

  • Short Answer - Money.

    Long Answer:

    Money and Greed :p

    But in reality, it’s usually just money. Ultimately if a company has decided that it’s sole purpose for existing is maximization of wealth for it’s owners, it will inevitably tend to go to the traditional business routes and hire executives who are educated in doing exactly that.

    Technology companies in particular are prime for that because everyone hopes to eventually either become the next Apple/Microsoft, or be bought out by them. It’s fast, short term and big money.

    Only time in my career I was laid off was because of this. Brother owners had been running their business for 40 years very well and very employee friendly. We got lots of bonuses and pay outs based on revenues and was an awesome place to work.

    one of the 3 died and so the other 2 decided it was time to retire, and they did exactly this. Went out and hired a CEO who came from a reputable business school, who has done nothing but “be an executive” since graduating, and was purely a sociopath.

    within 3 years the company was a horrendous place to work for. our bonuses nearly all disapeared, or started getting pegged to arbitrary company performance standards and other bullshit. by the end of 3 years 30% of us were then let go.

    All because this shmuck’s primary objective was “maximize the value of the company above all else” and for him, that meant going after the employees. Since we released ZERO product in those 3 years since he took over.