Looks like this thread’s going to be a whole lot more necessary soon.
Looks like this thread’s going to be a whole lot more necessary soon.
Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.
I don’t see the flick knife?
I want to feed it drosophila and sing lullabies to it!
My choices now are
Actually edit the novel
I used it to overwrite everything so if they restore it they’ll have a whole lot of comments saying “So long and thanks for all the cheese.” I did it twice just in case of reversion.
I used it yesterday to overwrite everything, twice, before I deleted every comment more than a week old.
It was very freeing!
That sounds peaceful
I picked up Sun Haven. I was thinking of playing it the other day, and the steam sale reminded me it existed. (I’m having fun with it, but the play experience is somewhat janky.)
Other items on my wishlist on much bigger discounts are just sitting there because I don’t have the mental space for them.
For the chess rule, you may need an x before and a + after.
I think from Gen X onwards it just gets more and more common.
Also, people will say “I don’t play computer/video games” and then spend hours on Candy Crush or whatever.
I mean he’s literally being charged with murder and the last event like this was back around 2005, but do go on about how it’s basically the same as a country where police murdering citizens and not getting charged at all is the norm.