How would you or I even know what my forefathers thought, the opinions of the common Englishman in the 1850s aren’t really popular reading. Hell, there’s a good chance some of my forefathers were Welsh and Irish anyway. The opinions of the commoner rarely reflected what the government’s of old decided, considering every man didn’t even get a vote until 1918 the government’s of old didn’t give a fuck what the common man thought anyway so there isn’t much reason to believe my forefathers gave a fuck whether the Welsh spoke Welsh either. I’d imagine they gave more of a fuck about earning enough to pay their taxes and rent just like the common man does now.
It’s clear you have some animosity toward the English, that’s fine. Have a good evening.
Sounds like you have some pent up anger there buddy, you should probably seek some support. Do you also hate the boogeyman?