Yeah Lemmy community is all about norms are, approval, and what’s socially allowed. I guess I think more like a CEO and see what’s legally allowed, allowed by the instance and rules. Ironically lemmy mods will ignore community rules and ban you even if you’re within scope of the rules.
But I have no idea how I changed my words to get people to agree with me. I’m trying to pry into people’s reasons as to how I should operate. Your reason are more important than my relationship to you
I’d think your minor grammatically errors would make you look human. I freak out people when I talk super simple and straight forward. Apparently your supposed to say a bunch of things to make one thing. The whole spectrum gonna have a hard time
I’m i can understand blocking 500 bots you think are garbage. I guess you can deal with the traffic of bots but not so much their content
Gotta love it when my questions get ignored and I just get met with another question, but since I’m the only one who’s certain about whwt they’re doing. It’s evolution, I want to see how systems change and how dynamic they can be, maybe something I never thought of emerges
Alright so what if there’s 500 undisclosed bots running around and they have various quality of interactions or if there’s a constant influx of new LLM bots?
AI actually makes it so computers can process language. I had two issues one is tracking police based on where they are and the other is detecting live streams post is a live stream post and it’s hard to process abstract concepts like that so you get the LLM to make the determination. Beats going through all the data yourself and figuring out edge cases
I’d say yes like it’s hard to program language processing, plus it helps get information pretty fast
I meant in the future they’ll implement it. I haven’t found it. Also corporation will enter fediverse they might not explicitly say they’re a corporation
I wondered if comments you post are, according to AI they’re actually copyright protected. But it’s funny that no one read the TOS and basically give copywrite of comments to meta and Reddit (maybe) so legally the comments can be scraped without the authors consent. So there’s plenty of legally and pretty much (technically)ethical sources content for LLMs, if you’re okay with capitalism and corporations.
I look at AI as a tool, the rich definitely look at as a tool too, so I’m not going to shy away from it. I found a way to use AI to discriminate if a post is about live stream or not and use that to boost the post on mastodon. And I built half a dozen scripts with perplexity and chat gpt, one of witch is a government watchdog to see if there’s any ethical or legal violations
I’m not advocate that you should be pro or anti AI, but if you’re anti AI then you should be doing anti AI measures
Seems like Lemmy has some basic algorithms but I know one instance will implement algorithms
Wrong I said accept that they’re negative person. Completely different
Just remember if someone says you’re in an echo chamber just ask if they’re a part of it and if they say no then you’re not in an echo chamber
I love openai model names. 3.5 wasn’t enough so you need turbo but turbo is is nothing compared to 4.0 but you can mini version for free and now it’s just 4.5. I still use 3.5 turbo api
Yeah I can’t blame people for not understanding me and thinking a completely different thing based on one word I used
Guess you’re the pigeon, but nah hostility doesn’t mean anything to me. You obviously haven’t read my advice or processed the actual meaning
Guess people on lemmy have effective muteness they just can’t communicate what they mean.
I’m not seeing how I’m a cunt. This might be a 4 blind men and and a dead elephant situation.
Yeah it’s funny that everyone trying to give me a taste of my own medicine with their spin. Like yeah I empathize with them and I’m trying to help and it actually came from my personal life.
You’ll accept the different kinds of people that exist in this world maybe not today.
Why’s that?
I have to figure that out. I could use scraper software that sees if a new link popped up or if a YouTube channel posted a new video