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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023

  • A zoom in into the complexities of some scientific (or, sometimes, other debates) revealed oftens that both sides has had their arguments, their reasons. In the historical treatement of this or in the cause of school stuff, it appears that one side has a self evident truth and the other side simply doesn’t get it.

    For instance, the The Great Debate aka Shapley-Curtis-Debatte. Everyone at least vaguely familiar with astononmy knows that the universe is much greater than one galaxy. But back then, there were mixed evidence. And the reasons one side won is often complicated, and involved some theoretical assumption you could doubt. Who knows about the theories about standard lights and all that stuff? It’s not that difference from today.

    The power of science, in my opinion, is the acceptance of doubt. You are not forced to believe but think about ways to test.

  • This is a criticism of the article, no one should be offended by it. Criticism is a tool for archiving the truth.

    The DSM-5 is just a kind of definition. We define Dyscalculia as a specific learning disorder. Thats in itself isn’t a factuall point.

    number-based information because their brain doesn’t process math-related concepts in the same way as those without the disorder

    The link is a 404. Anyway. If we assume that the brain processes math-related concepts somehow (!) different, we have a lots of implication. First, the brain works in a way that it can process math-related concepts different but all other informations normal. Secondly, there are a neurological basis which differentiate between mathematical and other realms of thinking, lets say linguistics. Thirdly, if the add the assumption that this “math-related reasoning” is locelated somewhere in the brain, we could find a “mathematical area” just like the “Wernicke’s area”. Fourthly, you could develop a test for dyscalculia based on biomarkers.

    People with dyscalculia often struggle with transitive inference—a form of deductive reasoning used to derive a relation between items

    But not with spatial tasks? I would expact that transitive inferences could be more linguistic and spatial taks need to be done mathematically.

    They may also have trouble keeping track of time

    This is reminiscent of Kant on arithmetic…

    a child with dyslexia is 100 times more likely to be diagnosed and given support than a child with dyscalculia.

    It’s a shame…

    While acknowledging that being able to label learning disorders is necessary for allocating resources to students, Ansari says it’s important to think about them as a continuum.

    Doesn’t this view (at least in a naive interpretation) implies that the theory of a general factor of intelligence, the g, are false?

    Morsanyi points out that children typically learn to read within a few months, and once they have, that skill is mastered.

    While this is true, the art of understanding a text, got the intention of the author, “read between the lines”, are more rare. Some people got a nearly natural feeling about words and their meaning. Other not.

    The largest study to date, which included 1,303 children, points toward number blindness as the cause.

    Interesting, if this ability is connected to the faculty to make transitiv inferences.

    But over the past five to 10 years, researchers have started to focus on how these numerical systems interact with domain-general cognitive skills, cognitive abilities that are not specific to math, such as executive function and memory.

    If these different branches are highly interconnected, doesn’t that contradict the above statements that there is a specific problem with math?

  • So much for free markets, democracy and freedom of speech.

    I don’t know whether Spain cares a lot about “free market” at the moment.

    Even if I get your point and would even make a similiar point in a privat conversation, there is still a problem. The problem, if and how the Freedom of Speech implies that you can use a certain service you choice. If this implication were true, would it not mean that the provider of the named service has a duty to provide you a access, too?

    Yes, they blocked it because of copyright infringement but let’s face it, piracy should be viewed as a market option for people to get their content,

    There are messenger out there, which are more privacy as Telegram. Eg. Signal, Threemea, mostly services based on XMPP and Matrix.

  • If you believe my statement to be implausible without video evidence

    Sorry, I missed it. I thought you speak about some correspondence between a company and authorities.

    Nebenbei, dass die Regierung diese Anschauung vertritt glaube ich dir gern. Darüber müsste man eigentlich einen längeren Text schreiben, aber den liest am Ende eh niemand.

    i’d like to invite you to meet our former minister of defence in the current government, Lambrecht, who resigned after referring to the war in Ukraine as an opportunity to have met many nice people in a social media video.

    I remember that part a bit different. The speech or address was poorly orated but, as far as I remember, his was a usual rhetorical technice to bring something positive after a negative part. The speech as a whole was a kind of summary of the year.

  • I’m a bit pessimistic about that point. It seems that the main reason why the Internet was less regulated than, lets say, the TV market was the lack of awareness of the old authorities and policymakers. At the latest with the victory of Donald Trump, things have changed. Now the ruling class is beginning to believe in the world-changing power of the flow of (mis)information on the Internet.

    Its important to note that it doesn’t matter how you think about this changes in terms of ethics or politics. The mayor event was the change of mind in regards to the internet as such. Before, the internet was seen as something new, yet not understond and/or a place were young people does childish pranks. The innocence is over, at least in their eyes.Unimportant is the question whether you believe the the world-changing power of the internet yourself. Maybe, the idea is even false and the internet isn’t that important. But you have the regulation of it on the political agenda. It takes years to come to a better knowleade. Sometimes, even ages.

  • Endward23@futurology.todaytoPrivacy@lemmy.mlu mad, state?
    4 months ago

    “I do this for good reasons, trust me” is not a valid argument.

    Yes. The problem is, when one country has had a intelligence agency and the other has not, the one with the agency has a advantage. At least, under the same conditions.

    I see the tension between a republican (res publica, “thing of the public”) State and the existence of such secrets. The question is if a state without this could exist under the current circumstances. There are a lot room for doubts here, I fear.

  • Thank you for your long answer. Even if it doesn’t contain the answer I looking for.

    nd even if your mixmaster or tor traffic is really anonymized (which is dubious), the fact you are using such services at all probably flags you for attention.

    I think so, too. But in my imagination, one who uses tor or a remailer is just a short flash on the radar. If it doesn’t follow more, they would not investigate further. Since 90% or so of all tor users doesn’t do anything bad. Even agencies doesn’t like wasting of time and resources.

    If you just want to exchange email with your friend when you are both on the down low, you might be best off just both enrolling gmail accounts.

    With Google, I think, it will nearly 100% sure that it is tracked somehow. If both sides have no problem with this, its fine.

    Plus, a lot of attention in the crypto nerd world shifted over to things like bitcoin.

    Never considered this angle. Thanks for this.

    I have heard there was a recent development in single server PIR (private information retrieval).

    I remember, I have read, over 5 years ago, a PDF-File from a German university about this. It was a so called “blinded read”-method.

    I have a vagly idea how this can work but I lack the mathematical knowleade to explain it further.

  • There is Tor but that seems to overreach enough that I can’t really believe in it.

    You mention tor. I don’t thing its an accident. tor and the mixmaster has a lot in common in my eyes. Both use a model of 3 levels at the default (entry, mid and exit), both use a similiar principle to avoid tracking by the time when informations floud throught the system.

    They all want real time video and active web pages. It is unfortunate.

    You can have both. Anonym communication and social media with posting pictures of your food. But with things like mixmasters, it’s remains your choice which level of privacy you need.

    P.S.: Maybe, I should ask on reddit or in a technical forum about it?