Fully support your actions and reasoning.
It’s a process.
We have cancelled and deleted Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook.
Just started move to alternatives and now have Ubuntu as well as Home Assistant.
Fully support your actions and reasoning.
It’s a process.
We have cancelled and deleted Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook.
Just started move to alternatives and now have Ubuntu as well as Home Assistant.
Remove the huge intensive Chicken breeding units!
My feeling is that the movement away from American products has started.
I always say that if I am doing it, as a very average person, then it’s likely that a lot of other people are doing it also.
Good move but only if the water companys are not allowed to increase consumers prices to pay for fines whilst still paying dividends and bonuses.
Shut down and delete your data on your US tech accounts. Their business’s are worthless without our accounts.
It’s a process, start today! With the easy ones and work towards the hard ones.