They are inadvertently. Corporations say the right words and the pro2a people fall in line. Look at all of the millions of citizens that voted directly against their best interests in November because they’ve effectively been fed messages that made them disregard what actually effects them. Obviously not all pro2a people are in this camp, but there’s a lot of overlap between those folks and people getting manipulated by other rich and powerful forces.
Nah, children fucking suck. All of them. I was born and raised in the middle of the US and since I was young I knew I never wanted children. I wouldn’t be a good parent so it would be unfair to bring a human into this shitty world and then have them rely on me to raise them. It’s irresponsible and quite frankly unethical to have kids just because procreation is necessary for the human species to to grow. There are plenty of people that want them that the rest of us aren’t required for sustainability.
The world could use a couple of billion less people anyway.