I am just getting back my sea legs, but apparently they’re pretty shaky because I can’t get my ubuntu torrent (no seriously, it is) to download. It never starts downloading and is stuck in “stalled”. I’ve tried a number of things, but even with default settings it isn’t starting. I’m using proton VPN on Linux Mint, but even with the VPN disabled it doesn’t work.
last time I torrented was probably 15 years ago.
Does the user running qbittorrent have write access to the downloads directory? Any special messages in the logs?
You might also want to try running qbittorrent through docker. I use https://github.com/DyonR/docker-qbittorrentvpn. Just make sure that you set the PUID and PGUID to match a user id + group id that has r/w access to your downloads directory.