• ColorcodedResistor@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Think of a neighborhood or America as an example. is it the objects in space or the people? You cant have it be both ways. You stop one effecient Weapon and Humans Make a new one. Why would they make another weapon. Why was armor and sword forged? why did anyone make bows and arrows for anything other than hunting game. why?

    Human Nature. Lambasting about guns makes you a have not vs the haves in this world and you can blab blab blab a thousand words but the only way to fight human nature is with matched human nature. its screaming at the leaves on a tree hoping it wont bloom another row of leaves next season. you have to stop it at the root. The Human Will to Kill is a problem. guns are just a force multiplier. 1 death is too many 100 deaths is bad too . But when you say ‘Oh if he had a knife they couldn’t kill as many’. Any is too many wtf!?

    • paddirn@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      “Any is too many” - obviously we don’t want anyone murdered, but good luck doing anything to completely stop that. People kill for any number of reasons, it’s happened since the beginning of time. Someone says something under his breath and gets killed waiting in a fast food line by somebody they’ve never met before. A jealous ex-lover shows up at a party and stabs their ex to death. A calculating spouse poisons their SO to collect insurance money. A soldier sees someone wearing the enemy uniform and shoots. Someone goes off the deep end and shoots up a music festival and kills 58 people in a matter of minutes. A troubled teen goes into a school and kills dozens of kindergarteners in their classrooms. All those are tragedies and seemingly daily occurrences, but the low-hanging fruit here is quantity. Saving more people in less amount of time is better. Utopia can wait, people need helped now.

      • ColorcodedResistor@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        okay so everyone stabbed, acid, ran over to death from here on out after we get guns removed is just the price we pay?

        • paddirn@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          One of the problems with arguments made by gun control opponents is that they concoct these ridiculous all-or-nothing scenarios. Like, we obviously can’t enact any sort of solution unless it’s a Magic Bullet that universally solves every problem ever that humanity has ever faced. If a solution doesn’t solve world hunger, prevent accidental overdoses, car accidents, acid showers, lightning strikes, or cure cancer, then obviously it’s doomed to failure.

          Or even attempting to do ANYTHING at all about the problem is just the first step in jack-booted Government thugs kicking down you front door, dragging your grandmother out, raping her in the street and then shooting your kids and your dogs… for reasons. OR, we can’t talk about gun control solutions because obviously we’ll start illegalizing knives, acid (?), and cars next, just like they’ve done in all the countries of the world that have gun control, like those hellholes in Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany, and Canada. OR, if anybody anywhere dies from a shooting after enacting gun control legislation, then obviously it was a failure and a waste of time, why did we even bother?