I’m looking for a new UPS to replace an almost 10 years old APC beast that’s having issues, but I’m not sure what to buy.
I’ll be using it to power a small home server and some network equipment in an area where there are occasional power outages (but they last 2-3 hours). My requirements are:
- 300-600€ range
- At least 1500VA, 900W
- Doesn’t make noise unless it’s on battery
- Must not require proprietary software to monitor it or to calibrate the battery and other basic stuff (if it works with apcupsd or NUT it would be perfect)
- No weird battery format
What would you recommend?
Eaton is my recommendation. Look at the 5S1500 (modified sinewave) or 5SC1500. They all work with NUT. I have one of my UPS connected to a Raspberry PI Zero with NUT. And my servers NUT clients are scheduled to shutdown after a 2min outage and my NAS after 4min. I can also monitor the UPS from Home Assistant and receive notifications on my phone each time the UPS goes OB or OL.