Schogetten 😋
The German dedication to variety in Chocolate flavouring is impressive. Ritter Sport could make their own catalogue.
I freaking love Schogetten!!!
My mother used tu buy a German? Austrian? Chocolate at Lidl when I was a child… Something along the lines of “edelram”? I don’t remember it clearly, but I remember the flavor 🤤
We need this in canadian grocers!
Go to your local Aldi’s, get some of this actual good chocolate. Moser Roth is also good
American: that looks a million times better, especially compared to the current version on store shelves that just tastes like sugar wax, Reese’s used to be at the very least “okay” years ago.
I love these! Don’t even know what Reese’s is, tbh, but I know these are delicious
Schogett it!
These are womderful, with a variety of flavours. Downside: one piece is not enough.