Sharing this widely, long overdue and we need to grow these relationships quickly!
I firmly believe that our connection to the U.S. has held us back in all facets of development including health care, technology, and defence. We’ve compared ourselves to the states instead of the best the world has to offer and we’ve grown complacent. I’m afraid that whatever happens in the next few years will be a shit show with Canada achieving a degree of independence at the expense of the environment and First Nations, but I hope we can do better than we have in the past, and looking outside our immediate sphere is a start.
is this only for canadians or can european also sign?
Canada has hummed and hawwed about electoral reform for decades. It just hasn’t been worth the required political capital to make it happen for any of the leaders.
This could be key to finally getting it done.
The election of EU representatives is separate from the election of representatives in parliament. Canada could end up like the UK was (in the good old days), with PR for the European elections and FPTP for its own national elections.
In either case (EU or no EU), we must push for the government to implement proportional representation, and that starts by getting organized: !
I was already subbed lol, I’m also on the mailing list.
My MP voted for M-86 and I volunteered for them last cycle. I don’t really know what else to do.
I wrote this post about the objectives of the fairvote community.
As far as I know, ! is the only online community dedicated towards this cause.
So a lot of the current work is building the movement, and getting those that already support the movement organized.
We know a federal election is coming up, and the more this movement grows, the more politicians will bend to our demands (as they should in a democracy).
What is your affiliation with the Fairvote organization?
I have volunteered with them in the past on two separate occasions.
I’ve never been paid by them or am contractually bound to them in any way shape or form, and this is still true at this point in time.