I’ve met quite a few people who will complain about him and recognise that he’s corrupt, but just not go and vote. Last time he won on a turnout of 43%.
I’ve met quite a few people who will complain about him and recognise that he’s corrupt, but just not go and vote. Last time he won on a turnout of 43%.
36 is not what I think of as middle aged. It’s young. And this is the median, so half are dying younger.
He’s wealthy though.
It has been a concern for a long time that as drought bites in the USA and the Arctic becomes a strategic waterway, the USA will want what Canada has in its lakes, its coasts, its farmable land and its other natural resources. It’s just that Trump is accelerating the process, trying to get it done before Canada has a chance to prepare any resistance, and before many Canadians twig what’s going on. I’m quite sure he’s serious, and quite sure he isn’t the only one.
Meanwhile Canadians are about to elect the most incompetent PM ever, whose only goal is to look tough and bigoted while screwing the little people, like Trump.
So is Elon Musk now working to put an end to electric cars? What’s his angle here?
Yay! Republicans continue to make America great again by reducing its international influence and taking jobs away from Americans!
And all it takes for this dream to come true is the ethnic cleansing of millions of people.
Well it’s only a pause, and he’s still threatening to annex our country. Plus, the whole Nazism thing. So this is the least we could do.
OK, AP really has gone right wing if they won’t even point out that ethnic cleansing is the core of Trump’s plan. Remember when the genocide started and Jared Kushner’s response was to start talking about how much money could be made on waterfront properties once the Palestinians had all been gotten rid of? They’re going to genocide the entire population and steal everything they have. Very much like the Nazis did, oddly enough.
Was he not paying attention during the past few months when Trump daily threatened to crush Canada economically then annex it? If so, why do we have someone so stupid in charge of the province?
Speaking of turnout, Ontario has an election coming up. Last time, Doug Ford (Conservative) was voted back in with a turnout of 43%. So about 57% of Ontarians didn’t bother to take a few minutes to vote. And now our healthcare and education systems are being dismantled for the sake of profit. Maybe on February 27th we can get a slightly less shameful turnout and vote for someone who will actually stand up for Ontario’s public services and stand up against the USA’s bullying and threats?
I’m starting to wean myself off all US services and subscriptions, and avoid US products wherever possible. I’d encourage other Canadians to do the same and buy Canadian wherever you can.
2013 Ukraine might be closer to his thinking. Trump learns from his mentor. And just as in Ukraine, there will be traitors in Canada who help the invader (looking at you, Danielle Smith, and I don’t trust Poilievre for a minute).
Canada supplies 60% of the US oil. If we want, we have them by the balls and they’re isn’t a damn thing they can do.
Canada supplies 60% of US oil imports. The USA also uses domestically produced oil. So it’s not true that Canada supplies 60% of their oil in total.
This is a bit out of date but just for example:
in 2020 America produced 18.4 million barrels of oil per day and consumed 18.12 million. And yet that same report reveals that the U.S. imported 7.86 million barrels of oil per day last year. Source
That would make imported oil about 43% of what was consumed, and Canada’s contribution about 60% of that 43%, so about 26%.
That’s good. We should all seed the torrent.
I can absolutely see the US military following those orders once Trump has replaced all the top brass with his cultists and the alternative is the harshest punishment they can come up with.
And as for no public support, half the electorate just voted him back in after he spent weeks talking every day about how he would annex Canada. I suspect there are many tens of millions of Americans who support it.
I can’t believe we’re two weeks into Trump’s presidency and already people are seriously discussing whether the USA is going to take over our country by force. Canada and the USA’s other former allies needs to do everything they can to forge new trade relations that leave the USA out of the picture. Otherwise the Trump-Putin axis will be ready to swallow us all.
They’re suppressing information about climate change, HIV and other diseases, the LGBTQ+ population, people’s genders, diversity and equality, workplace discrimination, women’s health, and so on. They’re already punishing people who try to talk about these suppressed matters. Who is being helped by this? Do these Republicans believe they are helping anyone, or are they clear that their goal is just to hurt people?
Only non-degenerate arts approved by the Führer will be permitted from now on, with performers who are genetically pure examples of the Aryan race.