Things were going great until my job (which is located an hour away from me) terminated work from home due to political reasons (I’m in the US). But! My bday is this Saturday, so trying to be optimistic for that.
Pretty good! Still settling in to my new workplace but I’m having fun so far and the work’s satisfying
I’m looking forward to doing summer things soon now that it’s getting warmer again :D
It’s alright! I’m in America right now, so the current political climate is kind of like an ever-lingering rain cloud over my head. To stay sane though, I am making the most of the simple joys of the weekend by playing video games with my bf!
Pretty good. Things are going well for me recently. I’m ready for the good times to keep coming and if they don’t, it’s fine.
Pretty great, actually.
Was recently diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency (I hate being a night owl), and started supplementing. The change has been pretty drastic and welcomed.
Well, before today it wasn’t so great. However, payday was today, and I’ve got some time off work for about four days, and my birthday falls within the next few days as well!
So hopefully I’m past the lowest point of the week and it only goes up from here.
Extremely long and exhausting.
Way too stressful and busy as I get a lot of tasks assigned to me at work that shouldn’t be part of my job. But I’m the only full-time employee, so yeah, fun fun fun…
BUT for my freelance job I get to a coastal city all weekend to shoot some content AND get paid to have a good time and enjoy the weekend. Hotel and food is also paid for. Pretty exciting as it’s my first time having this type of luxury for a freelance job and just the fact that this is possible makes me really appreciate the good things in life
Not great . My wife is a habitual liar and we spent the week arguing over who spent what on the credit card. Not that it is in any way arguable, but she knows fighting about it will distract from the truth of the matter .
Careful who you marry folks. It’s a long ride.
Edit : downvoted. Great job Lemmy. Another for the block list
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