• humanspiral@lemmy.ca
    8 days ago

    Like the author, but he is extremely soft on Trump, and praise of “smarter than everyone else” deeply misplaced.

    Central to this new global order would be a cheaper dollar that remains the world’s reserve currency — this would lower US long-term borrowing rates even more.

    Very simple path to achieve this is to get USD/China to $2.50 or less from over $7 exchange rate. Both negotiation, and US buying Yuan easy path.

    This does not lower US interest rates. In fact, inflation would move higher, and financial system would want to buy more Yuan. It does create chinese FDI in the US, and makes manufacturing competitive.

    What he is doing instead is cannibalizing the sycophantic goodwill of the colonies, like Biden, to sacrifice their economies to hopefully boost the US one for a few quarters. The blatant idiocracy in Europe is split being going to war alone against Russia, while begging the US to be a more gentle lover. Total infighting among all of the betrayed colonies.

    The article seems offensively stupid to me, but maybe the chaotic infighting and doubling down vs Russia, with no noticeable appeal to/from China to save them from oppression is in fact 4d chess of knowing idiocracy is even stronger outside of US. If he can get the Yuan as global currency while turning the colonies into Africa level economies, then splitting the world into 3 real countries and desperate poverty everywhere else can maybe have US second with much higher standard of living than Europe.

    The solid colonial slave system Biden imposed, seemed to offer benefits not worth rocking, though. The above outcome kills most US export industry. Euro falls more than USD, and Airbus still advantaged over Boeing. No more US weapons or partner energy. The theory that this is all his calculation is far fetched. Because he would also need to calculate the hatred he’s generating, and how destructive it is to the US.