If you’re programming in assembly, regardless of what it is, you are the biggest nerd of them all. And I have massive fucking respect for you.
What is HTML doing here? Blasphemy!
As a ruby guy, I’m just happy to be included.
how dare you Im not an engineer
How is your favourite language one that indexes arrays from 1??? You monster!
How dare you count things from one, like a human being.
I beg to disagree. It’s a law of nature to assign index 0 to the 1st th… Wait a moment
What language is that engineer and a nerd one?
Perl should say: You are old and a nerd or you use Debian
Rust: you are a nerd wearing programming socks.
Trying to rewrite everything in the universe
It’s a shame that the Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils was named uutils and not uwutils.
Aww I guess i’m fine since i mainly write in BBC BASIC SDL lol
Where is Objective-C?
Cobol: you are old, and a nerd, and probably making some sweet cheddar right now propping up a mid to late 20th century beast somewhere.
Assembly: you are a cyborg.
Assembly: you are a cyborg.
Or programming a tiny microcontroller to blink a led as efficient as possible.
Something wrong with:
#include <Arduino.h> void loop() { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(1000); }
? 😂🤮
Obviously the only correct way to blink an LED is to use a hardware timer to trigger a DMA transfer which stores a bit in the pin toggle register at a set interval
yeah! Or or use the interrupt pins and a 555 timer! both options are better than python though at least.
Where holyC
You are a christian nerd
I know who made this included React and HTML specifically to trigger us programmers, to that I say… well played >:(
TIL fortran has a logo
We can reject the null hypothesis that you are not a nerd at significance $\alpha < 0.001$.
oh wait, shit let me run that again, my data frame is full of NA somehow, again.
Lisp gang rise up! uses inhaler