This small circle is the sun, absolutely dwarfed by the earth taking up the rest of the frame. Definitely unsettling.
You shouldn’t stare too long at this photo with your naked eye or you’ll go blind.
What if I give my eye undies?
That will express to your eye your undieing love.
But only if they’re clean undies, otherwise it could express conjunctivitis to your eyes.
Puts in perspective how small Mercury is.
Ackchually, that’s just a photography of mercury, not the actual planet on your screen.
Okay Magritte
Too autistic for this. Why would it be unsettling? Mercury is much smaller than the sun. If it was suddenly bigger in proportion to the sun, then I’d be unsettled.
It doesn’t exactly unsettle me, but pondering the mind-boggling scale of celestial bodies and the cosmos can certainly be… humbling, I guess?
I had a co-worker a while back who couldn’t talk about the great scale of the universe cause he’d get freaked out. It didn’t come up much, but when it did, he’d be like, “Please stop, it’s stressing me out” so we’d change the subject.
Mercury is like 30-50 sun’s diameters away from the sun. This perspective makes it look like it’s almost touching.
Size scale matches though
Almost 30 million miles closer to us than the sun is.
The sun is rather large.
From that picture, it looks like you’d be on mercury and look up, see nothing but sun, But realistically it’s 60% closer than earth
looks kinda like this from the surface
I’m sorry but my socks are still on. 100% wool.
Well, my socks are off.
…so are my pants
and underwear
and shirt
Who picks wool for their fucking socks?
There’s nothing sexy about wool.
EDIT: Fucking. Intercourse. Pun.
I guess because of perspective, Mercury being millions of miles closer to the camera than it is to the sun, the actual proportions would have the planet being much smaller by comparison
And this is why I worship the Sun
But pray to Joe Pesci, right? You pray to Joe Pesci, right?! RIGHT?
Trying to wrap my head around how incromprehensively large even just our sun is always makes me feel dizzy.
We are not even a pale blue dot to most of the universe, and when we disappear nothing will know or remember us.
Praise the sun!
My favorite fun astronomy fact is that a transit like this (Venus, but still) is how we managed to figure out our distance to the Sun in the 1700s
Proof that light is a particle and not a wave?
What if all particles are waves. They just temporarily form loops that we consider to have particle behaviour when observed on a larger scale.
Great, Brian Greene’s been drinking again.
I’ll tell you what’s definitely unsettling;
The fact that if you kiss a mirror, you’ll only ever kiss yourself on the lips.
I bet it’s hot there.
No, you morons! That’s your thumb with the close ad X under it.