Not true… there’s also Star Trek and Linux here.
Not true… there’s also Star Trek and Linux here.
You could be in a coma and that phone is your real alarm set by your wife to try and get you out of it.
That’s why I take my steam deck to work and play in my lunch break. We also have personal lockers so I don’t need to worry about where to keep it.
Is sci-hub updated again? I mean its good it still works for papers older than a few years, but does it for papers from the last few years?
Someone learned something about themselves today.
The image is from the corrected timeline though, where Biff is a friend of the family and not a bully anymore.
Its a shitshow but one has to admire how fast that went.
They have an f-droid repository, so if you already have f-droid but not Obtainium you can download via that.
Not defending the guy, he seems an ass but he is also seemingly not that involved with the company anymore.
Watt stepped down from BrewDog’s daily operations last year after 17 years but retains his ownership stake and holds the title of “captain and co-founder” in a non-executive role.
The company apologised and promised to learn from the situation, though they later faced backlash for reversing a pledge to pay real living wages.
So maybe rather lookup what he currently does and boycott that if you can.
Ah, slow news day, I get it.
Are those chips actually made in US? Or just designed?
Have you ever seen a toilet?
That’s why you use a literature management tool like Zotero which has a built in retraction alert based on the wonderful database of retractionwatch.
Does unfortunately not help the non-scientist looking up a random paper from a Facebook post.
Hi, question for Ms. Bellamy. In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes that same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of a, a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.