Europe quietly growing some fucking balls but it’s still too much of a pussy to send combat troops to defend Ukraine
Is what the headline should say.
Everyone seems to be forgetting that France has already offered/threatened to send troops to Ukraine but got shut down by the US (and other NATO countries). Never underestimate the ability of a French leader to go full Napoleon if the opportunity presents itself.
You go. I don’t want.
I’m too morbidly obese to be useful.
Be the barricade you always destined to be.
But my flesh is soft and weak
Blue hats will get murdered there. Send real forces.
Not so quiet now, is it?
The fact that this is the kind of shit that the UN security counsel is supposed to exist for, but is actually less useful than a prostitute without a vagina.
Yes; that is what their role is. Unfortunately, Russia inherited the USSR’s former permanent seat when the Soviet Union collapsed - and are basically veto’ing any such action.
One can only hope that we learn from history, the next time a member state collapses (whether it be the US, Russian Federation or anyone else).
The problem is with the veto power.