We have bookwyrm.social, which does an excellent job at replacing the need for goodreads (which is owned by Amazon). But is there an alternative to imdb.com?
TheMovieDB and Open Movie Database are popular alternatives but not FOSS IIRC. LibreMD is a FOSS front end for IMDB.
Thanks for sharing, it’s actually Libremdb: https://github.com/zyachel/libremdb
I think recently IMDB went full evil and asking you to sign up to see episodes list of a show. This affects the front end and it can’t access episode lists. I just tried it with Doctor Who
Off topic, but I feel pretty old. I used to regularly download the entire IMDB and browse on my Amiga.
Thanks for the nostalgia. Haven’t seen the LHA file format in the wild for years!
A generic review website might be better (something like metacritic) that can also review games and software.
In a similar vein, I would love to see a fediverse Letterbox.
What’s wrong with IMDB?
It’s owned by Amazon.
Really bummed me out when I learned about that
Yeah, such a great resource. Maybe TheMovieDB is close? Not sure who owns that.
It’s not FOSS but looks better than imdb