It’s been a few decades since I got into it, but can you tell me the best Linux alternatives to Adobe Premiere / After Effects, Final Cut Pro, and AVID? I’ve tried a few and they tend to have problems with crashing and overall limited functionality.
Probably the best alternative to Premier is KdenLive or DaVinci.
As for After Effects, I’m not too sure. The alternatives definitely exist, I’m just not sure which one to recommend. It’s been years since I’ve done any compositing. But I use KdenLive for video editing regularly and it’s great.
In fact, the past year of development has been monumental in the amount of improvements and new features.
It’s been a few decades since I got into it, but can you tell me the best Linux alternatives to Adobe Premiere / After Effects, Final Cut Pro, and AVID? I’ve tried a few and they tend to have problems with crashing and overall limited functionality.
Probably the best alternative to Premier is KdenLive or DaVinci.
As for After Effects, I’m not too sure. The alternatives definitely exist, I’m just not sure which one to recommend. It’s been years since I’ve done any compositing. But I use KdenLive for video editing regularly and it’s great.
In fact, the past year of development has been monumental in the amount of improvements and new features.
@CeeBee @zkikiz DaVinci Resolve includes Fusion, that’s more than enough to replace After Effects any day of the week.
Good to know! Thanks.
@CeeBee Also you mentioned compositing, the industry standard is Linux compatible and has a free trial too, Nuke.
Thanks for all the recs!
DaVinci Resolve replaces all of these and does it better (ok maybe not AVID, but I don’t know much about that one, so maybe).
Huh now I know. Never heard of it before. I use OpenShot which is FOSS but it’s meh.