I think people who are into crafts. They have all of these yarns, construction papers, various tools and stuff. All so that they can say that they have all of these projects in mind that they want to do. But they never do them so they get more crafting stuff and it just eats away storage until their place is practically consumed by it.

  • wuphysics87@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    Is this a place to cast shade or self reflect? In the former experimental scientist. They have closets of oscilliscopes, vacuum pumps, cryostats. Enough to furnish 3 or more labs. They always say they’ll use it, but the pile only gets bigger.

    For me, I have the opposite problen in general. I throw everything away and end up buying or making new shit. Worst is probably code. Fuck making a repo. This is a one off. I can write the same code 3 times before I keep it, but I like to say that is what makes me a decent programmer. And I’ll keep telling myself that until I die.