Am I the only one who doesn’t like the new changes? Everything looks big like in coloros which already looks same as miui. Samsung kinda lost their identity. Ofc using it hands-on would give the clear picture.
Also this community needs to be more active and this is my effort towards it.
I like some of the features they are adding but I agree that the asthetic is mediocre. If it weren’t for this S-Pen and zoom, I’d probably be using a pixel right now.
Exactly. Wasn’t OneUI 6.0 a huge overhaul too? I felt this major update especially to the the looks department was unnecessary.
Modern Samsung is aping Apple design but noticeably worse in all their products, and it’s honestly turning me off from them. They had a unique identity, and now it feels like they’re throwing that all away. I genuinely hate it.
Agree. I used to root samsung vs apple but they are not competing at this point, they are copying them.